
ABOUT ME :) !!!!

Hey my name Kim! Everybody loves me! I am cute!My favorite actors are Pussy Cat dolls, Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brother. They are owesome! I have cute friends. My best friens are
1) Cutie MArgarita
2)MArshmellow 4 you should tottally go on her website. It is awsome! My website is cool too!


These are the reasons you should love me.
1) I am cool
2) I am smart
3) Youbetter like me or else
4) I am cute
5) I am a know it all


A Presidential Exploration

The requirements to be the president of the US according to the consition is by the the elector bieng a natural born citozin of the US. Also you have to be at least be 35 years of age and be at least 40 citizin In the US.
The steps involving in the election process is by bieng nominated, you have to go to the people, gather eloctoral votes, majority?plurality. that's the way to do it!!!