
T43m 3dw4rd or T34m J4cob?

5om3 p3opl3 lik3 Rob3rt 4nd T4ylor. But mostly 3v3ryon3 w4nt5 t34m J4cob. Alot of girl5 in my 5chool w4nt t34m j4cob. I would not really who i will chose. Writ3 4 comm3nt which t34m u w4nt to b3 in. I h4ve no id34 who to choos3!


nadi alexi said...

kim if this ish u omg i hate u cuz wat happen to the harry potter puppet thing and yeah team jacob hes cooler than edward go warewolves

Kimmberlly's Spot(; said...

I cant because youtube wont let me

twilight l0vr =) said...

TEAM EDWARD!!!!!!!!!!! team Jacob should go crawl in a cave and die!!!!!!!!!!

Kimmberlly's Spot(; said...

I aggree with aly